Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Nugget of Inspiration from Long Distance Hiking

I'm currently editing my book on my trail adventures both north and south and the inspiration I gained from the experience. 
Waiting for transportation to White House Landing in Maine

While editing my journey from last summer, I came across these sentences that speak to what the trail and hiking is really all about - 

Tackling the Chairback Range, Maine

"We are all from different backgrounds and norms of society, but the trail knits the unlikeliest people together in one common interest. We would probably never be friends any other way in life. The trail has that power about it to make strangers into friends, to create community where there would be none, to encourage one to help another in times of need...."

Feasting in Greenville, Maine with our trail angel, Mailar

Me with Signage and Lucky
Our annual hiker picnic in Shenandoah

And good hiking friend Hikernutt

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