Overuse issues cropping up among
hikers and especially those doing long distances. Unfortunately hikers
sometimes believe the hike is a competition and they need to keep up with the flock.
Or they feel the miles they do is too low and they ought to do more. Thus they
end up doing too much for ligaments and tendons unaccustomed to the stress. Because
of this, hikers end up with overuse related issues that can jeopardize their hike.
Foot and lower leg tendonitis - Just today I developed an anterior tendonitis in my right lower leg radiating to the right side of my foot from increased exercise and a flexion issue. Pain on the top of the foot may be extensor tendonitis and could be because your laces are too tight. If you have pressure point pain over a bone, a stress fracture may be developing.
Foot and lower leg tendonitis - Just today I developed an anterior tendonitis in my right lower leg radiating to the right side of my foot from increased exercise and a flexion issue. Pain on the top of the foot may be extensor tendonitis and could be because your laces are too tight. If you have pressure point pain over a bone, a stress fracture may be developing.
Shin Splints – I have seen many hikers developing this
issue, usually after long days of hiking, doing
high miles their limbs are not used
to it. Shin splints refers to medial tibia stress syndrome over the shaft of
the tibia. It is directly related to doing too much too soon. The pain is felt
along the thick bone of the tibia of the lower leg. Sometimes it can be in the
calf muscle itself. There could also be swelling.
Knee issues – this is probably the most common joint that
suffers from overuse. The ligaments around the knee become sensitive to the loads
we carry, not only of our backpacks but the stresses of uphills, downhills, and rocky terrain. That plus longer
distances puts a good deal of stress on them, leading to pain and sometimes even
ligament tears.
Muscle and Body Pain and Fatigue – again, doing too much too
soon can lead to weariness in the
body, especially in long distance hikers who
are not adequately taking in good nutrition needed for the miles hiked. Or they
skimp on drinking water. The body can turn to muscle to burn - a very poor
place to find the energy needed to keep things going. Muscle wasting leads to
weight drop, fatigue, and health issues once the hike ends.
What to do?
First of all, CUT the miles! If you are developing an issue
like tendonitis, shin splints or knee issues, rest is important. RICE – Rest, Ice,
Compression, Elevation until symptoms subside. Take a few days off. Ice the affected extremity.
Take Vit I (Advil) or Meloxicam works well too (a prescription). Taking tumeric with pepperine helps with inflammation. I have had very good results with an ointment called Penetrex. Applying an ace wrap or brace to the area sometimes helps (for me, it tends to aggravate things). Search out exercises online to help stretch
the affected areas. If you are having foot pain, try relacing your shoes. If there is no relief, get checked out by a good sports medicine doctor.
Check your shoes. I’ve seen hikers that have come 800 miles
in trail runners which are only meant to
do 3-400 miles. Change your shoes ad insoles, and
when you do, make sure they are the proper shoes for your foot type. Good insoles
and good socks are important. And don’t forget hiking poles.
Make sure you are taking in adequate fluids and nutrition. Eating
just ramen or potatoes is not going to provide the protein needed to help your muscles
recover. Skimping on good foods means your body may turn to muscle of energy,
and that’s not good. Eat a well-balanced meal that also contains dehydrated veggies
and protein. Also take a multi vitamin. Water is needed to lubricate joints and
prevent that achy feeling.
When you are ready to begin hiking again, ease back into your
hiking. Do not be tempted to do too much too soon. Or you will be right back where you started. Be patient and your body will reward with with an awesome hike.
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Another very common problem is IT strain (iliotibial band) - can be debilitating especially on downhills. Stretch, stretch, stretch! I stretch year 'round, regardless of whether I'm currently hiking.